Eye Hope Foundation

Sponsored walk by Victor's Class in Norway

On Friday the 31st of March grade 2 of Telemark International school is organizing a sponserd walk for Eye Hope Foundation. With this walk they would like to support the battle against Wolfram Syndrome.

Since Victor got diagnosed with Wolfram syndrome, 1,5 years ago, his school, his teacher and his classmates daily witness his struggle with illness. But they also witness his perseverance and determination to never give up! That is why they want to fight with Victor and with Eye Hope Foundation to find a treatment and a cure for Wolfram syndrome.

All the children of the primary years of Telemarkt international school will attend at the sponsored walk.

The sponsored walk starts at 10.30 am. The children will walk from checkpoint to checkpoint, with a distance of approximately 1 km between them. There are a total of 5 checkpoints during the walk. Every child walks to as many checkpoints as possible and is sponsored by each acchieved checkpoint. 

You can sponsor this wonderfull event by donating, click here for more information!

The Eye Hope Foundation wishes the Telemark International School and in particular the second grade a lot of good luck!


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