Eye Hope Foundation

Please support Victor's teacher, Alexander Cadden, in his challenge this weekend!

Victor's teacher, Alexander Cadden, was inspired by the incredible positivity that Victor shows in his classes.

Besides the wonderful thirst for knowledge and an eagerness to learn about and engage with the world around him, Victor has tought his teacher that nothing is impossible.  As someone tells Victor that something isn't possible, his answer is always the same; 'Why not?' For Victor, the only failure would be to not have tried in the first place. 

So Victor became his inspiration in taking on this challenge. 

In Grenland, Norway, there is a challenge called the Ten-Tops-run. The aim in this challenge is to climb 10 out of a possible 17 hills between May 1st and November 1st.

This year mister Alexander will be climbing all 17 tops and to add a bit more of a challenge, he will aim to do this in one single weekend!

(9th– 10th June).

He will walk over 90km in ascents and descents together with his friend, Simon.

The first goal with this challenge is to inspire Victor, the boy who inspires him.

The second is that he wants to raise some money for the Eye Hope Foundation and to give some hope to the parents and children who are battling this cruel disease. 

YES you too can support Mr. Alexander! No amount is too small for such an extraordinary attempt! Donate now!

You can read all all about this challenge here.

Many thanks to Alexander Cadden for being a great teacher for Victor, and to support him in his daily struggle with Wolfram's disease. 

We wish him the best of luck in his challenge this weekend. 


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